3 Ways To Get The Perfect Wedding Makeup

summer wedding makeup bride bridal makeup tips

Photo Credit: Kathryn McLaren Photography

It’s your wedding day! Finally! It’s almost perfect but . . . 

Your makeup does not look the way you wanted it to. Your skin is breaking out, your foundation is peeling off and you can see the texture from a mile away.

If only there was a way to avoid this . . .

Good news! There is a way to avoid this! These are the top 3 tips to have the perfect wedding makeup! 

summer wedding makeup bride bridal makeup tips

Photo Credit: Kaoverii Silva Photography

  1. Skip Skincare

This sounds completely backwards, I know. But hear me out. 

Your skin care is super important. Having a good routine, using high quality products and taking care of your skin is crucial. This is something you need to have in place long before your wedding day arrives.

Stick to your skin care routine and take care of your skin but skip it on your wedding day! 

Sunscreen, serums, oils, acids, etc. are great for everyday use and I’m not saying to throw them in the trash right now. But set them aside for your wedding day if you want a flawless makeup application. 

A lot of these products are made with ingredients we can’t compensate for. Often they are filled with oils or other ingredients that can alter the way your makeup looks and lasts. 

This can result in your foundation flaking off or not holding all day the way it should. If you want a beautiful makeup application it all starts with the base. Try using a basic moisturizer on the morning of your wedding. If you’re unsure, talk to your makeup artist or remove all products on your face once it’s time for your makeup to be done and let your MUA use their moisturizer. Your MUA will carry products they know work well together.

Photo Credit: Kaoverii Silva Photography

2. Schedule Your Spa Day A Little Earlier

This may be self explanatory, but I will still explain. If you’re going to get any kind of facial, chemical peel, brow wax etc. do not schedule it close to your makeup appointment. These treatments can affect your skin in ways we cannot predict. 

I’ve had clients reschedule their appointment last minute because they got a chemical peel a few days before and their skin was peeling off. Obviously if your skin is peeling off we cannot apply makeup to it. 

Brow waxing or any kind of facial waxing can also affect your makeup application and cause redness or sensitivity to said areas. 

So to be safe, move your appointment a little bit earlier to allow your skin time to heal before your makeup appointment. 

summer wedding makeup bride bridal makeup tips

Photo Credit: Isle & Oak Photography

3. Hydrate

Turns out these are all skin tips but your makeup application will reflect your skins health so for #3 our biggest advice is to hydrate. 

This goes for water consumption, moisturizers, sunscreens etc. 

If your skin is dry your makeup will show a boatload of texture which we try to avoid. Get a good sunscreen with a high SPF and use it everyday. ( Don’t forget to reapply! ) The sun feels so good but it also brings along damage to your skin, sun spots and more not so pleasant things.

While you’re shopping for your new sunscreen grab a good moisturizer while you’re there. Avoid products with parabens, fragrances and alcohols as these can dry out your skin and are generally not great to put on your body. 

Finally, please drink water! 8 cups a day is the bare minimum! Your skin is roughly 65% water therefore: it gets thirsty too! If you want to ensure you have a great makeup application on your wedding day or any other special moment - don’t skip this step! My best advice: get a cute tumbler or water bottle and keep it close by. I mean attached at the hip, can’t leave the house without it close by. If you’re hauling it around all day I guarantee you’ll drink more!

Your makeup will look gorgeous on your wedding day, these are just a few steps to ensure you’re doing your part to make sure of it! 


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