6 Must Do's Before Your Hair and Makeup Trial

PC: Amy Teixeira Photography

Planning a wedding can be both exciting and overwhelming. Among the multitude of tasks on your wedding checklist, your hair and makeup trial are crucial steps towards achieving your dream bridal look. To ensure that your trial goes smoothly and you leave feeling confident and radiant, here are six essential tips to prepare beforehand.

Collect Inspiration

Before stepping into your hair and makeup trial, gather inspiration from various sources such as, Pinterest, Instagram or your stylist’s website. Take note of styles, colours, and makeup looks that resonate with your vision. Having a visual reference will help communicate your preferences effectively to your stylist, ensuring they understand the look you're aiming for.


Communication is key when it comes to achieving your desired bridal look. Be open and honest with your stylist about your preferences, any concerns you may have, and aspects of your appearance you'd like to accentuate or minimize. Providing clear communication will help your stylist tailor their approach to suit your unique features and preferences.

PC: Kamilia Shin Photography

Come Prepared

To make the most of your trial session, come prepared with clean, dry hair and a makeup-free face. This blank canvas allows your stylist to work with your natural features and assess your hair and skin type accurately. Additionally, bring along any accessories you plan to wear on your wedding day, such as a veil or hairpiece, to see how they complement your chosen hairstyle.

Wear White

Opting for white clothing during your hair and makeup trial can provide a better reflection of how your bridal look will appear against your wedding gown. This contrast allows you to gauge whether the chosen hairstyle and makeup palette harmonize with the overall aesthetic. Pro Tip: Wearing a white top with a similar cut to your wedding dress can help you get a clear vision of your wedding look!

PC: SoWedding

Take Photos and Notes

After the trial session, don't hesitate to take photos from different angles and jot down any notes or adjustments you'd like to make. These visual and written records serve as valuable references for both you and your stylist, ensuring that every detail is captured and perfected before your wedding day. When your stylist checks in after the trial, be sure to let them know how the hair and makeup held throughout the day and any adjustments you’d like to make.

Evaluate Comfort and Longevity

Beyond aesthetics, consider the comfort and longevity of your chosen hair and makeup styles. Test the durability of your hairstyle by moving around and simulating activities you'll engage in on your wedding day. Similarly, assess the staying power of your makeup under different lighting conditions. This evaluation ensures that your bridal look remains flawless and comfortable throughout the entirety of your special day.

Preparing for your hair and makeup trial is essential for achieving the perfect bridal look. By following these six must-do tips, you'll not only streamline the trial process but also ensure that your wedding day beauty aligns seamlessly with your vision and preferences. Remember, effective communication, preparation, and attention to detail are the keys to bridal beauty success!


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